To anyone visiting this site, it should be no surprise that I haven’t updated the blog in years. Philosimplicity was a labor of love, but around 2019 I started a new job that was extremely demanding and took my focus away from passion projects like this.
Despite abandoning the blog, I’ve been very active on ex-Twitter for the last few years, where I’ve continued discussing philosophy. But, with the exodus of academics and friends, I’ve decided to retire the Philosimplicity brand.
Although I’m leaving Philosimplicity behind, I’m still blogging about interesting topics. I’m starting a new blog called Misaligned Markets where I’ll be discussing political philosophy and social ontology. The goal is to build a community that engages with the question of how to build market systems that work for everyone in society.
I’ve always had a passion for political economy given my background. Much of my interest in philosophy stems from these areas of interest. I also feel like I’ll be able to provide more novel and meaningful insights writing on these topics as opposed to the broader philosophical writing I did on this blog.
It came as a surprise that this blog actually had readers and that over the lifespan of Philosimplicity the Twitter account gained over 800 followers. I never aggressively pursued growth or a specific blogging strategy; I would have genuinely been content to write even if no one read my writing.
Regardless, I’m grateful for the feedback and engagement I have received, and I encourage you if you enjoyed this blog, subscribe to Misaligned Markets and follow me on Mastodon and BlueSky (via Bridgy Fed). My Twitter profile will remain active as well
Thanks for reading, everyone!